Terry Kupers, the writer, pointed out that toxic masculinity refers to a series of male characteristics that will make social development retrogressive. These characteristics encourage a series of behaviors such as dominating and belittling women, homophobia and unprovoked violence. In my works, I try to shoot a series of female portraits through four themes: dominance, discrimination, homophobia and violence, and compare "the appearance that women are forced to show under the gaze of men" and "the real thoughts in the hearts of women", so as to show the social image of Chinese women under the influence of the visual aesthetics of toxic masculinity through visual means.

Exhibition Display

In the exhibition planning of this project, I divided each piece of work into two parts from the middle, then rotated the right half 90 ° counterclockwise with the middle split line as the axis, and finally made it stand in a corner of the exhibition hall. In addition, I will place a black baffle made in the same way right in front of the work.I chose to exhibit my works this way because no matter which viewing path my audience chooses, he can only see one side of the character in the work. If he wants to see the other side, he must take another path. This also means that the audience can never see the full picture of the whole work. I hope that my works can make the society aware of the possible harm to women caused by "toxic masculinity" through this exhibition.